Membership Fees
Many thanks to all of you that have promptly paid.
We have had feedback from some of our members with concerns over the challenge to pay the fee in one payment, so after considering this feedback the committee has altered the payment structure.
Payment of membership is now $50 per quarter year payable on the 1st of January, April, July and October.
Please make payments direct to our Westpac bank account via your internet banking, or if you prefer cash you can pay at any branch of Westpac.
The bank details are on the initial letter you received regarding membership fees. Please see the treasurer Keith Gower if you require a copy of the bank details.
When paying by cash please use the last seven digits of your telephone number as a reference so that we can identify it as the payment from you.
Please contact the treasurer Keith Gower if you require any further information.
Annual Dinner
The annual dinner will take place at the Gosford Leagues Club on Tuesday 20th February.
Please see the Shed notice board for further details.
Sheddy of the Year
At the annual dinner we will be presenting a Sheddy of the Year award to recognise outstanding contribution made by a member of the Terrigal Men’s Shed. The recipient of the award will be chosen by the members. Please fill in your nomination form for the person you feel is deserving of this award along with a short citation as to why you think they deserve it.
Nomination forms are available during Shed days.