Membership Fees Many thanks to all of you that have promptly paid. We have had feedback from some of our members with concerns over the challenge to pay the fee in one payment, so after considering this feedback the committee has altered the payment structure. Payment of membership is now $50 per quarter year payable on the 1st of January, April, July and October. Please make payments direct to our Westpac bank account via your internet banking, or if you prefer cash you can pay at any branch of Westpac. The bank details are on the initial letter you received regarding membership fees. Please see the treasurer Keith Gower if you require a copy of the bank details. When paying by cash please use the last seven digits of your…
Another year has passed and once again we all gather to celebrate another successful year for Terrigal Mens Shed. It was great to see everyone in festive spirit having a wonderful time enjoying their meal and catching up with the events of the past year. It was again a pleasure to see all our ladies, a big thank you to all of you for supporting us. The chefs as ever cooked a fantastic BBQ with (more…)
The Annual General Meeting of the Terrigal Community Mens Shed was held on Thursday 20th July in the work area of the Shed. It was very well supported with the majority of members present. The President Geoff Yates gave a resume of the Sheds achievements for 2016/17 and thanked all those that have supported the shed in its numerous activities. The President was followed by the Secretary and Treasurer who delivered their report for the year. There were a number of resignations from existing executive and committee members which resulted in a number of Shed members stepping forward as nominees for the vacant positions. The ballot was held and the following members were elected. Ray Crawley - President Arthur Hand - Secretary Keith Gower - Treasurer Derek Bailey - Commitee…
Central Coast Leagues Club was the venue for our 2017 annual dinner and yet again they did us proud with an excellent variety of dishes. A wonderful meal was followed by a few short speeches and the awards to members of the Shed. Unfortunately for Joe Sciberras this stage of the proceedings interrupted his marathon attempt at his n'th plate of prawns. We had a number of awards for members, the recipients being: (more…)
We now have a regular award "Sheddie of the Month", the first one being awarded in December 2016 at the end of year party. The award is nominated by the members to an individual of the Shed who they think has made a special contribution to the Shed in some way. So if you consider someone deserves "Sheddie of the Month" you can place your nomination in the red box, the box you put your gold coin donation in. Your nomination should include your name and the person you wish to nominate along with the reason for nomination. (more…)